Featured : Ebony Elf

New Collection on Opensea

Fashion Elf is a new fashion collection on Opensea. Her goal?
To raise money for all Flamation Studios staffers! A sale will help pay the wages of workers we bring on board as well as offer the buyer free services on our platforms!

Great Deal?

Visit now!
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Digital Assets Store 

Welcome to our Digital Asset Store

Illustrations for games, cartoons, ​At Flamation Studios, we create NFTs under the trade name, FlamingNFT

In compliance with the regulations by the Nigerian Government, we do not trade with NFTs on this site. Our nfts (non-fungible tokens) can be purchased from popular marketplaces like Opensea, Rarible and Voice.

Our NFTs provide you with huge discounts to products and services we offer which are particularly beneficial for your business or brand.

These nfts can be re-sold or re-purchased and its benefits can be renewed or transferred. 

NFTs with active side projects have links to their webpages. Visit this page for updates.
See links to our NFTs below.
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